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The Last Draken

The Last Draken BY: Aaron Effinger   Chapter 1 "Caged"             Darkness is all around; morning light flooding in from two slants, shut eyes. The time of day has come once more. A prisoner, I will awaken to be for another day. My eyes ease open slowly to dim the pain of first prone eyes to the new day. All around the smell of rotten food filled the air. The damp floor radiated the smell of soaked wood not dried for several months. As I open my eyes the room began to come into focus. Once again I looked at the chains hung from the ceiling, the barrels of supplies beyond my cell. And the door still shut. The sounds of the guards are still herd beyond the door to the storage room were I'm held. "So, when we reaching Sadie?" one of the guards said. "At lest another day or so." Another replied. "I'm getting sick of this, every day, guarding this room, as if supplies were that valuable." One guard spoke, "and not to mention this god dam

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The Last Draken